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Adult Development and Aging Issues


Despite being an umbrella expression, the name "Adult Development and Aging" was chosen for this research line because it reflects two important aspects of our work: the influence of the Division 20 of APA, which has precisely this name, and the fact of having the two major concepts that guide our research interests: development and aging.

Almost all the works that we have supervised and are supervising, in particular master's and PhD theses, contribute somehow to understand the relation between aging and development. We thus pursue three goals: 1) create developmental formulations for several phenomena and challenges of adult and advanced age life; 2) study interactions between health results, adverse experiences and psychological development processes; and 3) identify the best processes and curricula for the basic training of psychology professionals, in order to support the continuous development of elderly adults.


Our research is being developed around these major areas:

1)      Coping and adult development;
2)      Loneliness and adult development;
3)      Health, adversity and adult development;
4)      Social skills and adult development;
5)      Dialectical thinking and adult development.​